Thursday, February 27, 2014

Becoming a Dad

Can I just confess that one of the most fun parts about becoming a mom for me, is watching my husband become a Dad.  Honestly, nothing has made me laugh harder or tear up more than watching Brian become father. For example, here is Brian's idea of babysitting...

Don't worry the cap is on!!!  Ha ha...but yes, he is exposing her to caffeinated beverages a little early. 

He claimed he was teaching Lydia basic shapes, colors, and letters.  "You know dear, the basic letters: X, Y, A, and B.  Like on the paddle."  Yes Brian, that's what she is paying attention to; never mind the animated violence on the television.
It's kinda blurry, but if you look closely you can see the skull and crossbones.

Shall we talk about the time Brian decided to put our little baby daughter in a diaper with SKULL AND CROSSBONES on it!  He claimed the skull and crossbones is a universal warning label:  WARNING TOXIC

Now, let's discuss how Brian changed every diaper at the hospital.  That's right, every single one. He deserves a medal for how well he took care of Lydia and me.

Nearly every night he comes home from work and says, "Daddy's turn to rock the baby."  It usually ends with them both falling asleep.
He is also the proud father and constantly takes pictures and videos of his little girl.  He is quick to show anyone who asks, "Hey how is your baby?"  "She's great," as he whips out his phone, "Here is a picture of her in her bumbo, here is a picture of her in her pajamas, here is one of her in the tub-she loves bath time- oh she's eating cereal now, here is a picture of her eating." 
How cute is that?  I love watching him grow into that "proud father" who is eager to show off his cute baby.
Watching Brian become a Dad is one of the most tender transitions I've witnessed. He simply adores his little girl.  It's safe to say that she has him wrapped around her tiny, little finger. Oftentimes, when she wakes up Brian quickly runs to get her before I have a chance.  As he looks down to say, "Hello princess, did you have a nice nap?"  She looks up with a great-big, toothless smile and jabbers away at him. I smile as I watch from the doorway. I know that Lydia adores him too.

Lydia with her Daddy

Thursday, February 20, 2014

No class = time for blogging!

Today I did not go to class. Super Babysitter #1(aka Grandma Julie) was taking my sister (fellow newbie mommy) to a doctor appointment.  My Super Babsitter #2 ( aka Grandma Rose) is currently battleing a terrible cold.  What to do, what to do?  Well, I guess I'll just have to stay home and play with my baby all day long... and that's what we've been doing.  It's been wonderful!

To update those of you I don't see on a regular basis...yes I Laci Rose am STILL in school.  I have calculated it all out, by the time i graduate next spring it will have taken me 5 1/2 years to get my degree.  When me and Brian got married I had been accepted into the Elementary Education Program, and I started it the following fall after I finished all the many pre-requisites it requires.  I really thought I was in the home stretch.  Two years left!  Well, after Level one was completed SURPRISE!  Baby Lydia was on her way scheduled to arrive that September.  Well, I took summer off to work and save up some cash, and I also took fall semester off to be with my newborn.  Now I'm back in the game currently in the middle of Level 3.  It's been challenging juggling everything, and missing my baby when I'm in class. On more than one occasion I've been tempted to put it off and finish later. But that not-so-still-small voice of my husband reminds me how far I've come, and how close I am to finishing.  So, I keep going. I'm a pretty lucky girl to have such a great husband.

So I promised I would fill all of you in on Lydia's blessing this past month.  Well we had her blessing scheduled for December 1st. I had food assignments out to all of our extended family members, it was all planned out...and I got sick.  I kept getting gall bladder attacks from gall stones that I had gotten from pregnancy.  So we pushed the blessing back to January.  Once again i invited the whole family, assigned food, my sweet mother-in-law got her house ready to host everyone....and then Lydia got sick a few days before.  She came down with a terrible cold. So we pushed it back to February.  I didn't want to plan a giant party for the third time so we kept it small and we ate breakfast in our little house after sacrament meeting. It was so fun to see everyone there supporting us.  We are blessed to have such awesome families.  So, here are some pictures of Lydia's special day.

Our house didn't have a really good place to take pictures, so this was the best we could do.

Us with Great Grandma LoRaine Wilkinson. Lydia's namesake. (Lydia's middle name is LoRaine)

I wanted a cute picture so you could see Lydia's dress, but you can't really see it. (This was also my blessing dress.)  That girl has found her toes and all she wants to do is stick her feet right up in the air.

Us with my mom and dad. Papa Matt really was happy that day.  He just never smiles in pictures :)  You should see him in my wedding photos.
My grandparents Milan and Susan

My Grandparents Scott and Marie Richins
Brian's parents Rodney and Vicki
And our sweet angel baby...with Brian's toes in the corner : )  My sister was recovering from labor with her own sweet baby girl when we blessed Lydia or we would have had a more talented photographer take these for us :)  Oh well, that's definitely the Rose way of doing things around here : )

Sunday, February 16, 2014

First Post on our New Blog!!!!

So, we at the Rose household are new to this whole blogging thing.  I never thought I would get into never.  I (Laci M. Rose) am the complete opposite of a tech-savy individual.  Just ask my kind, sweet, and EXTREMELY patient husband.  He is the only reason I passed my Micro Operations class.   I took this when we were dating, and the dashing, chivalrous Brian Rose took it upon himself to do almost every Word, Excel, and PowerPoint assignment that I had to complete.  Without him I would still be trying to figure out the short cut of how to spell check on my Mac. Thankfully I have him to help me navigate the blogosphere.

Since the birth of our perfect, noisy, cat-napping, angel daughter we have loved posting pictures of her on FaceBook for our families and friends to keep updated. However, we have decided perhaps it is safer for us to do this on a private Blog.  I've also heard from my Blog savvy sister, and sister-in-law that it is a fun way to journal as well....So here it goes, let the blogging adventure begin whether it be the Right Way or the Rose Way.

So today we were at the Mechams, aka my parents: the notorious Matt and Julie Mecham.  We had a delicious dinner and then watched the olympics.  Well, the boys watched and my mom and me played with Lydi bug.  So, get this, that girl is all but sitting up!  I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  She needs to stop that!

Since this weekend was Valentine's here is our sweet Lydi Bug in her Valentine outfit...

And here is a family Picture from her blessing day to kind of wrap things up for our first post....Now that is a story for another day.  I promise....there is a good excuse to why we didn't bless her until she was almost 5 months old :)  We will fill you in during the next post...and more photos to come.