The month of December has been filled with snow, cookies, Christmas fun, and colds. Everyone in our little family has been sick this month, and my poor, little, baby boy is no exception. Luckily, it was just a cold and he was feeling better just in time for Christmas! We've not been to the doctor for his two month check-up and vaccinations since he's been home with a cold. So, we've pushed back his appointment and I'm not sure of his stats. He has gotten so chubby, and has grown so much I'm anxious to get his measurements. He is 2 months old and he has already outgrown his Christmas jammies which are a 3 month size! So, next week we'll find out when we go to his well child exam.
Casen is starting to smile a lot, and I just LOVE it! He's such a good baby, and really cries when he gets hungry. With his first cold he was still not very fussy.
This baby boy of mine loves to be held and cuddled. I try to hold him as much as I can during the day, but having a busy toddler makes it difficult. So, when Lydia goes to bed we make sure to get lots of one on one snuggle time before mommy goes to bed. Since Casen was sick with a pretty bad cold he got lots of cuddling, and slept with us holding him most of the time. Since then, he has not wanted to put down! He is feeling better, but just wants to be held all day long, and all night! These past two days I've been trying to get him used to being put back down again, it's been difficult. Especially since we are potty training Lydia. But that is another story for another blog post. :)
Casen loves to be talked to, as soon as you make eye contact with him start talking he smiles and coos right back. He especially loves his mama. He listens for me when someone else is holding him, and turns his head in my direction all the time. His Daddy just adores him, which melts my heart. Brian holds him all the time, and Casen loves his Daddy too. He recognizes Brian's voice and is all smiles when Brian comes home from work and talks to him. Casen is such a sweetie, and the most fun, easygoing baby. These two months have just flown by, but at the same time I feel like Casen has always been with us. We love this boy of ours, he has just completely stolen our hearts.
Here are some more pictures of sweet baby Casen...
This was taken right before Casen got sick. I love this picture, his belly is just too cute. |
Lydia and Casen Christmas morning. While Lydia was holding Casen she said, "He heavy." We had a good laugh at that comment. |
Casen sleeping Christmas morning. |
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I'm not kidding, he always gives me the bird when he is sleeping. My Dad is holding him in this picture and he thinks its the funniest thing ever. |
Lydia and Casen watching Tangled. |
Casen looking adorable as always. |
A picture I took today cause he is always so smiley and happy. |