Friday, January 22, 2016

Casen the Chunkster 3 Months...

First off, let me apologize for the picture quality. I'm no photographer, and I usually take pictures with my IPad or phone, both of which have poor cameras. Time to invest in a camera or better yet a new smartphone!  I will tell Brian I'm investing in a new smartphone for our children. They are the reason I need a high quality cell phone, it's not for me at all. :) I need it to capture their childhood, because they grow up so fast, ;) Yep, that will convince him.

Anyway, look at that adorable chunkster sitting so cute in daddy's chair! He is just so squishy! I can't get enough of this sweet chubby boy of mine. 

If you have been reading Casen's updates you'll know that we had to put off his 2 month check up for 3 weeks until he was fully recovered from a nasty cold. So, his 2 month stats are more like 3 months. So this kid weighs 15.8 lbs and is 26 inches long! He is almost off the charts in height in the 99.71 percentile. 

If you follow me on instagram or facebook you may have already seen that Casen laughed for he first time yesterday! Is that not the best sound in the world? 

He also has found his hands and his thumb! I keep taking his thumb out of his mouth when he starts sucking on it and I try to get him to take his binki instead, hoping he will grow to prefer the binki. However, I've been told that thumb suckers are great sleepers, and this week both me and Brian have been up a lot with both of our children. So as of right now, I'll take the thumb sucking.

He is a great eater, obviously, and typically is a pretty good sleeper. This week he hasn't slept as well. He's been eating more too, so maybe a growth spurt is coming?? He is already in some 6 month clothing so I really don't need another growth spurt!

This boy is still a cuddler, and honestly I hope he doesn't outgrow it ever! Sometimes I admit it is hard to get things done when he just wants me to hold him all day. But now that I have a busy toddler who would rather play then cuddle most days, it's a good reminder that they grow up fast, and these days won't last that long. So it's ok if laundry doesn't get put away right this second, I'll hold my baby a bit longer. :) In fact I'm typing this while holding Casen on my lap. Multitasking is a mother's greatest talent right? 

A sibling shot is totally necessary since Lydia LOVES baby Casen. She asks to hold him all the time, however, now she doesn't like to hold him as long. She holds him for just long enough to get a picture and then says, "Mommy, he heavy! All done!" That's my cue to step in a grab Casen before she drops him.

Casen is the sweetest boy. He brings so much happiness to our home. I just want to keep him little as long as I can. We all just love him. Brian takes him as soon as he gets home and rocks him in the chair, then Lydia will want to hold him, and when Lydia is in bed Mommy gets to rock Casen some more. I'm doing my best to make him a Mama's boy (honestly what Mom doesn't want a mama's boy). I'm probably spoiling him too much, but I'm not worried. My plan is to love him so much that no other woman will be good enough for him. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Dark Side of Christmas...

Christmas is a time of year that is filled with traditions. As families we watch What a Wonderful Life, decorate our trees, go to temple square, and read the Christmas story from the Bible. For our family this year we of course participated in all the traditional Christmas activities; however this Christmas was not going to be all traditional. December of 2015 was a much awaited month for the Rose family not only for Christmas but for the long awaited Episode 7 of STAR WARS.

I consider myself a true Star Wars Fan. I'm proud to say that I grew up watching the original trilogy on VHS (remember those?) NOT the remastered versions.

 I remember my siblings and I would pick our favorite movie out of the trilogy and take turns watching them over and over. My favorite was The Empire Strikes Back, I thought Luke's training with Master Yoda was awesome, and I would find myself day dreaming about my own Jedi training.   However, since marrying a Star Wars super fan,  I've been informed that my knowledge about the Force is incomplete. I've recently been exposed to what Brian likes to call, "The Dark Side of Christmas."

In honor of The Force Awakens we each got a Star Wars ornament in our stockings this year. Brian got the Darth Vader ornament, I got Chewbaca, Casen 3CP0, and Lydia scored on the Yoda ornament.

During the Christmas season like most mothers, I thought it was important to try and teach my children about the true meaning of Christmas. Since Casen is 2 months old, he was the perfect pupil. He sat still, didn't talk out of turn and smiled whenever I talked to him about baby Jesus. Lydia was also a good pupil. By the end of our Christmas Story she was able to identify baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the Shepard with our family Nativity we had on display. Brian, however, felt that this year more teaching was needed. He began to teach Lydia the ways of the Force and made sure that she was proficient with identifying the major Star Wars Characters. I had to film it cause it's just too funny.

We've established that Brian is on the side of the Empire and I think that he has successfully turned my toddler to the Dark Side. As you are about to see, Lydia prefers Darth Vader over any other character in the franchise.

A Few Minutes Later...

The Rose Family has experience the Dark Side of Christmas. "There has been an Awakening," in the Rose Family household. New Christmas traditions are about to come forth. I have a feeling that Star Wars will be a part of our Christmas for years to come.