Monday, July 20, 2015


Summer seems to have come and gone just like that! I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, Brian just finished his summer semester  a few weeks ago, consequently I feel like summer is just beginning so I want it to stick around a bit longer. On the other hand, our baby boy will be here in October! Just 13 more weeks till my due date! I can hardly believe it. Just yesterday I was catching up on Lydia's baby book, and looking over pictures and videos of her when she was under a year old. She was so sweet and tiny, and I made sure to show Brian every cute picture of her. My expressions went something like, "Oh look how little!" or "I miss her cute little pebbles ponytail" and "I can't believe that my baby is now a toddler...sob."

Brian nodded in agreement and grinned every once in a while simultaneously going to battle on the X-Box. :) He has mastered faking interest in baby things while playing video games. He still things I don't know when he is faking, but let's face it a wife always knows. :) Anyway,  After staying up way too late we finally went to bed and Brian said, "I'm excited to have a baby in our home again." I was surprised to find that he did in fact listen to my sentimental rambling! My heart melted of course as we traded baby memories back and forth. So to get back on point, Fall can't get here soon enough! But since I have a few more months until little man's arrival, we will enjoy what little of summer we have left!

Though the month of June was pretty lame while Brian was taking his accelerated classes, we did manage to squish and entire summer's worth of activities into two weeks of July! To kick of Brian's first weekend free of classes we spend the entire time camping with our family. It was perfect!

Our weekend was filled with typical camping activities which no matter how many times you do them, they never get old! We played cards, sat around the fire, ate amazing food, and enjoyed spending some time together. It was the perfect way to celebrate the 4th of July.

 Lydia got filthy of course. She also enjoyed showed off her "mean face" which she does now on command, and whenever she is bugged. :) I was glad I finally got a picture of this epic scowl.

Playing at the creek was the highlight of the weekend. It was so hot all week and the cold creek felt AMAZING! We loved wading in the cold water while watching the kids build a dam.

Lydia taking a break from the water to keep Grandma company.

Maylee, Lena, and Lydia playing with the Uno cards. 

Camping was so much fun, and we were  desperately craving some summer activities, so the following weekend we took Lydia to the drive-in to see Inside Out. We were betting that she would fall asleep during the movie but she stayed awake the entire time! I wish I would have taken some pictures of our little outing, but of course I forgot the camera. That same weekend we had a little get together with the Richins side of family. I had an aunt and uncle come to visit from Missouri, and one of their kids got baptized while they were here. After the baptism we went swimming. We thought Lydia might like to "swim" on her own so one of my family members gave her the funniest life vest you've ever seen. We got a kick out of the shark fin on the back so of course I had to snap a picture.

Though Brian was so busy earlier this summer we did have some fun. We branded calves in June, which is always a favorite summer activity of mine. This year I didn't do as much, considering I was in my second trimester at the time. Brian filled in for for me and vaccinated while the other guys cut, branded, and tagged the calves. We had some awesome ropers help us out this year so it went really fast. So fast in fact that Lydia actually fell sound asleep and slept through the entire thing! We actually had to wake her up to go home.

Here are a few pictures of our branding crew:

Brian is giving shots, apparently with an audience, so no pressure!

Grandpa Milan is branding while Brian hold the calf down with some help from Matt.

Grandpa Milan putting the branding iron back on the fire to keep it hot.

Grandpa's Mule Sally, our favorite spectator. 

Papa Matt cutting a bull calf.

A few weeks after branding me and my sister Kami decided to have a little pool party with our girls. Kami got some cute pictures of our little outing. When I have cute pictures on my blog, just automatically assume that they were taken by Kami. :) You can bet you boots I didn't take them!

The girls had tons of fun splashing and playing in the water. It was the perfect way to kick off our summer festivities!

Luckily we have a little more than a month of summer left! I feel like we've done pretty good accomplishing our summer bucket list, but I'm still anticipating some more camp fires, picnics, and swimming. We've had a blast so far, but I'm happy to say there is still more fun to come!

This last picture sums up Lydia's reaction to all this summer fun perfectly:

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