Sunday, September 27, 2015

Lydia's 2nd Birthday Party!

Get ready for picture overload!!! Lydia turned two on September 16. We celebrated her birthday with family last Sunday. It was the perfect day for an outside birthday party it was warm, the kids got to run around outside, and we had lots of fun visiting with our family.

Lydia is still such a little farm girl. She loves both of her Papa's farms. She loves tractors, the animals, and Papa Matt's Backhoe. So we did a simple farm girl birthday party. We had her cute piggy cake, no bake cookies for "mud pies," rice krispies for "hay bales," and ice cream of course. I found a picture of this piggy hot tub cake on Pintrest and thought that it looked like something I could handle. I'm not a great cake decorator, and this cute cake was perfect for a beginner. I just used two cake pans and split a cake mix between the two, I used chocolate frosting to frost between the cakes and around the outside. Obviously I used Kit-Kat's for the fence. Brian helped me mold the pigs out of pink fondant. Lydia helped, by playing with her play dough while we played with the fondant.  It was a really fun cake to make, and the best part was all three of us got to participate.

Photo credit, as always, goes to my sister Kami Leishman. She takes such great pictures!! If you want to check out her photography blog the link is here.

Her best buddy Claire was right up in the action and squealed with delight with every present Lydia opened. Claire loved all the clothes, the baby doll, and purse Lydia got, but the only toy my little farm girl wanted to play with was her tractor that Great Grandma Susan and Grandpa Milan gave her.

Lydia wasn't too concerned with eating her cake after opening presents. She just wanted to play with her tractor so the only way we got her in her high chair was to let her take her tractor with her.

Wow look at that giant baby bump! A little over 36 weeks pregnant here and feeling huge!

Cute little Brielle wanted to join in the little girl fun! Check out her matching pants with Lydia's romper. Cute huh?!

                                          I love this picture of Lydia! She looks so happy!

Claire giving her bestie the best goodbye hug ever! We love that these two are such good friends!

Lydia had a wonderful 2nd birthday! It was so much fun to see her open her gifts, and so wonderful to see that she is loved so much!

                                                          Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

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