The doctor would take an ultrasound of the baby and say, "Well, he is still head down, face down, his weight looks good, fluid is still good. Now let's check you, well looks like you're still at a 2, but your scheduled for an induction on Monday so have a good weekend."
So, guess what happened? My appointment went exactly the way I knew it would. I'm still at a two, the doctor said everything looks good and looks like Dr. Bier will be inducing me Monday; just like I thought.
BUT the good news is my induction date was moved up to Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. So yay! I think I can handle being pregnant for one more day and two more nights. :) To pass the time I've been cleaning and I made quite a few freezer meals. Mostly I just double what we are having for dinner and freeze half of it. I made clam chowder, chicken pot pie, chicken broccoli alfredo, meatballs, and yesterday in some kind of crazy nesting urge I cooked a turkey! But, the funny thing is, I cooked it late, like I started it at 7:00 p.m. I really don't know why, I just felt like it needed to be done right then.
I put the turkey in the roasting pan, fed Lydia some dinner and while she was in the high chair I scrubbed the refrigerator and started dishes. Brian came home late from studying at school and checked on the turkey for me. He asked, "Where is the red thing that pops out?" I proceeded to tell him that it was there he just need to look! He responded by saying, "No it's really not here, are you sure you bought a turkey with it?" I said yes I'm sure then I walked over to the roasting pan and looked at the turkey, sure enough the red popper thing was not there, then I realized...I put the dang turkey in upside down! Luckily Brian flipped it over and it still turned out moist and yummy. I tell you pregnancy brain is a real thing!
I have not taken many pictures these past few weeks of our outings, but I do have a few to document.
Monday Brian was staying at work late to get some studying done. It was Food Truck night at Black Island Farms, which is not far from where Brian works. So me and Lydia met Brian and then went to Food Truck night. It was so YUMMY! I'm now officially a fan of food truck food. We didn't stay and participate in many of the festivities since we got there late and Lydia was getting tired and there wasn't anywhere to sit and eat, plus she is super picky so we ended up going to Wendy's and ordering her some chicken nuggets off the dollar menu on the way home since she refused to eat at Black Island Farms.
We had a Mommy and Lydia day last week and went to McDonald's for a happy meal, made some moon sand to play in, and decorate a pumpkin! We went to the dollar store and I got this Styrofoam pumpkin with some jack-o-Lantern stickers for Lydia to decorate with. Well Lydia did not like the stickers on her pumpkin at all. She got mad every time I tried to put them on. Which I thought was so funny, cause all two-year olds love stickers, but Lydia only liked her pumpkin plain with no face, so no Jack-o-Lanterns here.
So, we have done some fun stuff during my last few weeks, and I'm glad we did since Lydia's days of being our only baby have now turned into hours!!! Baby Casen will be joining us so soon! We are all so excited and I can't wait to see my Lydi Bug become a big sister. Wish us Luck!
This is such a sweet post :) I love that Lydia didn't like the stickers :) toddlers are so funny!