Though she may talk a lot, like her mom, she most certainly has her Dad's hair. There is no denying that!
Look at that blonde, stick-straight hair! Haha, I love that fuzzy head! And that hairline! She has a deep widows peak, just like her dad. What in the world am I going to with it when she gets older? (By the way, it's gotten a bit thicker since we took this picture, so it's not quite as fuzzy, but it still sticks up like that!)
Not only does she have her Dad's hair, she seems to share in his enthusiasm for the most epic story of all time.
Yep, she's a Star Wars fan. This was her Halloween costume. Our cute little R2D2 baby; look how little she was! She was 7 weeks old I think, when this photo was taken.
Though her Dad is clearly rubbing off on her, she shares some similarities with her Mom. At the end of the day, this girl loves a nice warm bath.
She also likes watching her mom :). She especially loves watching her Uncle Trevor play. Dad likes watching Trevor play too, but I've had to teach him a thing or two about the game. As a former wrestler, Brian doesn't exactly understand the fundamentals or why it's bad to foul another player. Brian can be heard yelling, quite loudly I might add "That's a foul?! You can't do anything in this game!" Luckily, we're teaching Lydia the game a young age, she'll have an advantage.
Lydia has a bit of both of us in her, that's for sure. The one thing we feel we both gave her, is her constant smile. We like to think this came from both Mom and Dad. Brian is known for his goofy, fun personality, and since I've married him, well, let's just say I've gotten even sillier. So,with Brian's sense of humor, and my silliness we are blessed with a very happy home. This girl's constant smile has made our home even brighter.
So cute!! I might have to steal this idea for my blog :)