Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lydia Lately...

Better late than never but our little Lydi Bug is 7 months old! Where has the time gone! She is growing up so fast I can't even believe it! Lydia lately has been working on getting those two front teeth. They have cut through, and she was not thrilled with the teething process. Last week the nights were pretty brutal. It's been better now since they've cut through; we are all getting a bit more sleep. Thank Heavens!

Some fun things that Lydia has started doing lately is spending lots of time in her Jumper. Oh man, I love the Jumper. It is the best babysitter. It has allowed me to do homework, cook supper, and even fold laundry. Without it my busy baby would get bored so fast, and I would constantly be trying to come up with new forms of entertainment for her.

She squeals and screams CONSTANTLY! My goodness my baby is loud! We spend a lot of our Sundays out in the hall because she is always squealing at all the little kids! She squeals at them in primary, at the grocery store, and even at the doctors office. This is a video of her screaming while eating her prunes.

Recently Lydia has formed at attachment to her stuffed Zebra we named Zoey. She giggles and smiles at Zoey everytime she sees her.

Just yesterday we went up to grandma Rose's and she sat in the swing for the first time! She thought it was pretty awesome.

She also likes spending time looking up at the mobile with Zoey the Zebra.

We have been spending lots of time outside in this AMAZING weather! We love going for walks, and personally I can't wait to break out the summer outfits!

She loves doing laundry with Grandma Julie.

She also experienced her first easter!

This is Lydia after we found her egg Grandma and Grandpa Rose hid for her.

Lydia is meeting Rodger Rabbit for the first time. Rodger is her cousin Maylee's bunny.

Lydia's first Easter Basket

The Easter Bunny brought her bibs, sippy cups, a toy giraffe, a new binkie, and baby food :)  We were fortunate because the Easter bunny came early this year, and Lydia has been using all of her easter stuff all month long. He was nice enough to put it in the basket anyway so we could get some cute pictures.

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