Monday, June 27, 2016

7 Month Update

We have had rotten luck with computers at our house these past few months. My Mac that I've had for over 7 years has finally died. It won't even turn on anymore. Luckily I backed everything up, so nothing important was lost. Brian's computer has also suffered some injuries lately. Lydia stepped on it and now there is a huge crack in the screen. Grrrr. I can still manage to use it, in fact I'm using it right now, but it is a pain! Needless to say, blogging has been difficult lately, but I'm determined to get caught up!

At 7 months this boy weighs 22.9 lbs, is 26.5 inches long,and has the biggest thighs you've ever seen! He is still super happy, and talks a lot! He like to blow raspberries and says "Dadadadada."  He'sleeping OK. He wakes up once, or twice a night. I'm just dying for him to sleep through the night. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep sounds heavenly! I can't complain too much though since he is never up crying, he just fusses and wants to eat.

 He is wanting to play with Lydia so bad, and tries to scoot after her on his belly. He rolls around to get to what he wants, and he LOVES toys. He is always wanting to play with something. He also loves dogs! He thinks my sister's dog and my mom's dog are the funniest things he's ever seen. He loves grabbing their fur, and he just cracks up when they are running around.

 He still hates baby food! It's so weird to me cause Lydia ate really good as a baby, she just got pickier as a toddler. Casen not liking baby food is kinda driving me crazy. I'm told I shouldn't be concerned and that he gets most of his nutrition from breastfeeding, I keep hoping that once he starts eating more solids he'll sleep through the night.

 I wanted Casen's 6 month pictures (which actually turned into 7 month pictures) done in just a diaper. I want to remember his cute chub when he gets older. Sure when he grows up he'll think these pictures are embarrassing but they are just so cute! I will most definitely have to keep them on hand when he is a teenager and show them to all of his dates!

OK, this one just kills me. Is it not the cutest! I love all those back rolls and that giant baby tushy!

Casen is such a sweetie! He brings so much happiness into our home. We all (including Lydia) just argue about who gets to hold him next! Now though, he isn't wanting to held as much as he did a few months ago. He is wanting to scoot around, and play. My heart is going to seriously break when my baby boy is no longer my baby. I want him to stay my little squishy as long as possible! So please little Casen just stop growing up!

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