Monday, June 27, 2016

Casen's 8 month Update

At 8 months this little tank weighs 24.5 lbs and is 28 inches long. He is getting more active, and more wiggly every day! He still rolls everywhere, but now he gets up on his hands and knees and has crawled forward a bit! He is days away from figuring it out completely. He is ready to get moving and start chasing his sister. I on the other hand am not ready. I feel like every stage is going so much faster with my second baby. 
As far as sleeping goes, it's getting worse! He's been up every 3 hours this week. I feel like I have a newborn again! I'm pretty sure it's teeth. He's been fussy during the day, drooling everywhere, and has been running a low fever every few days. He is typically not fussy, and this is quite out of character for him, so it's got to be teeth! 

He still doesn't love baby food, but he is starting to eat some table food! Yay! He loves gram crackers, noodles, and scrambled eggs. I'm so glad he is starting to eat some solids!

We've taken him outside a lot this summer, and he loves looking around and scooting off his blanket onto the grass. He also loves stroller rides and water! He loves the water. He will sit in the kiddie pool while splashing and kicking forever. 

Having fun at the Park

Such a cute face!

Fun in the Sun! Check out that kid's belly! So cute!

Eatin' some Prunes

Daddy loves his boy. He can't wait to take him on all sorts of adventures and teach him all about the farm, video games, and the ways of a Jedi. It will be so much fun watching these two boys both grow up. :)

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